Running Tracks can be sub-divided into the following four systems:


Champward CW-361 FS System
Full Pour

This is a poured-in-site and non-porous Full Polyurethane System which contains a base layer paved by mixing two components of PU  coatings After curing, a granular textured Surface of 3 - 5mm is installed.  The system is strong, durable, conforms to run, and complies with IAAF's
"Performance Specifications for Synthetic Surfaced Athletic Tracks".  When well-installed and properly maintained, a life span of 8 to 10 years can be   expected.

  Champward CW-362 RS System
Full Pour

This is a poured-in-site and non-porous Full Polyurethane System.  The base  layer is installed by two methods: one, paved by adding rubber crumbs into well-mixed PU coatings and spread by notched squeegee or pave machine to control thickness; and the other one is spreading PU coating and broadcast rubber crumbs when wet and, after cure, removing those un-bound crumbs, repeat same procedure until the needed thickness reached.  After completion of the base layer, a granular texture surface of
3-5 mm is then installed.  When well-installed and properly maintained, a life span of 8 to 10 years can be expected.  The performance specifications of this System is tested by IAAF certified laboratory and accredited with the IAAF Certified Product for track surface.

  Champward CW-363 WS System

This is a double-decker poured-in-site and non-porous system which contains a base layer of PU binder-bound rubber crumb spread by paving machine and, after sealing and leveling, a granular texture surface of 3-5mm is to install.  After finish, the System has a same appearance as Full Pour System but much more economic in cost.  When well-installed and properly maintained, a life span of 5 to 6 years can be expected.  The performance specifications of this System is tested by IAAF certified laboratory and accredited with the IAAF Certified Product for track surface.

  Champward CW-363 CS System

This is a double-decker poured-in-site and non-porous system.  A base layer of 9 mm prefabricated rubber mat is laid and, after sealing and leveling, a granular texture surface of 3-5mm is to install.  After finish, the System has a same appearance as Full Pour System but much more economic in cost.   When well-installed and properly maintained, a life span of 5 to 6 years can be expected.  The performance specifications of this System is tested by IAAF certified laboratory and accredited with the IAAF Certified Product for track surface.

  Champward CW-364 PS System
Structural Spray

The System use one-component moisture-curing PU binder to mix with rubber crumbs and spread by paving machine.  After cure, athletic track finish coatings which containing fine PU aggregates are sprayed by a suitable spray machine.  This System is porous and substantially cost saving although less durable in use.  When well-installed and properly maintained, the product life can be expected more than 5 years.  The performance specifications of  the System is tested by IAAF certified laboratory and accredited with the IAAF Certified Product for track surface.