Champward CW-362 RS System
Full Pour
The performance specifications of the System is accredited with the IAAF Certified Product
for track surface.
Synthetic Surface of Champward CW-362 RS System
Schematic Sections:
This is a poured-in-site and non-porous Full Polyurethane System. The base layer is
installed by two methods: one, paved by adding rubber crumbs into well-mixed PU
coatings and spread by notched squeegee or pave machine to control thickness; and the
other one is spreading PU coating and broadcast rubber crumbs when wet and, after
cure, removing those un-bound crumbs, repeat same procedure until the needed thickness
reached. After completion of the base layer, a granular texture surface of 3-5 mm is then
installed. When well-installed and properly maintained, a life span of 8 to 10 years can be
expected. The performance specifications of this System is tested by IAAF certified
laboratory and accredited with the IAAF Certified Product for track surface.
Need further information like "Materials Calculation Sheet" or "Installation Procedure
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