PU Sport Surface Coating

PU Sport Surface Coating (MDI Base) CM-3202(Red)/CM-3502(Green)
Two component PU resin (MDI Base).  For sport ground surface.  Excellent Resilience and adequate
CM-3*02A : CM-3*02B = 2 : 1

PU Sport Surface Coating CW-3001(White)/CW-3201(Red)/CW-3501(Green)
Two component PU resin.  For sport ground surface.  Excellent Resilience and adequate hardness.
CW-3*01A : CW-3*01B = 1 : 1                             

PU Sport Surface Coating CW-3002(White)/CW-3202(Red)/CW-3502(Green)/

Two component PU resin.  For sport ground surface.  Excellent Resilience and adequate hardness.
CW-3*02A : CW-3*02B = 2 : 1